“In my view, Germany will, in the coming century, rapidly drop from her position as a great power unless we begin to develop our maritime interests energetically, systematically and without delay.” Admiral Tirpitz, 1895ħ (British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, 1909) This was part of a plan to make sure that Germany could defend itself and protect its growing overseas trade.

In 1898, Kaiser Wilhelm announced that Germany was going to build 41 battleships and 61 cruisers. But what if another country wanted to challenge Britain’s naval superiority? As long as Britain had the world’s strongest navy, it could make sure that none of the other Great Powers would try to seize parts of its empire or invade Britain itself. L/O – To consider how militarism led to increasing tensions between the two alliancesīritain had defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and since then had controlled the seas with the most powerful navy in the world. 1 How did Military Rivalry contribute to the outbreak of war?